currentli been listening to a lot of lauryn hill..i dunnoe why soul music makes me calm while chaos surrounds me everywhere..heres killin me softly lyrics..wen u read it doesnt mean much but u need to hear it lah..
stromin my pain with his fingers
singin my life with his hands
killin me softly with this song
telling my whole life with his words
killing me softly with his song..
i heard he sang a good song
i heard he had a style
and so i came to see him
and listened for a while
and there he was
this young one
i felt all flushed with fever
embarrassed by the crowd
i felt he found my letters
and read each one outloud
i prayed that he would finish
but he just kept right on
anyways todae i came back home early frm werk..7-3..time passed by so slow just now i felt like dying seh..da lah takde bnyk guests dining we sort of look at each other in shan da tak keje pat tiffin lagi..kan da kena buang..tu lah..keje cam nak tak nak..tomorow i'll be working 7-3 happy..but im tired and i want to sleep now..
# posted by cOnfesSions @ 6:01 PM